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leyu乐鱼-碳中和视角下城市可持续排水系统构建及评估指标体系 中国给水排水[ISSN:1000

发布时间:2024-05-27 来源:leyu乐鱼

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统 中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第38卷 期数: 2022年第16期 页码: 1-15 栏目: 出书日放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2024-04-13来历:碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统 中国给水排阅读次数:88焦点提醒:English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]刘智晓.碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):1-15. LIUZhi-xiao.Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective o中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]刘智晓.碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):1-15. LIUZhi-xiao.Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality[J].China Water Wastewater,2022,38(16):1-15.点击复制碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第38卷 期数: 2022年第16期 页码: 1-15 栏目: 出书日期: 2022-08-17Title:Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality作者:刘智晓(北京初创生态环保团体股分有限公司,北京100044)Author(s):LIU Zhi-xiao(Beijing Capital Eco-Pro Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China)要害词:城镇排水系统; 水-能关系; 管网在线存储; 韧性; 碳中和; 生态水文; 峰值流量; 及时节制; 厂-网-河一体化Keywords:urban drainage system; water-energy nexus; in-sewer storage; resilience; carbon neutrality; eco-hydrology; peak flow; real?time control (RTC); plant-net-river integration drainage systems摘要:天气转变是人类成长面对的要挟之一,面临极端降雨显著增添和城市的不竭扩大,传统城镇排水系统的懦弱性日趋凸显, 碳中和、碳达峰 计谋布景下若何系统构建面向将来的可延续排水系统,晋升面临复杂外部扰动身分下排水系统的靠得住性与韧性,是将来相当长期间排水系统计划设计、建造与运行环节都要思虑和面临的科学问题。针对传统排水系统的系统性缺欠,就排水系统计划设计建造进程中要害要素 水-能 关系、韧性设计、生态水文和生物多样性等方面提出了建议,同时就今朝实行高排放尺度、极限脱氮和污水氯消毒给情况带来的影响进行了阐发,在此根本上构建了包罗6项一级指标、48项二级指标的可延续排水系统评估指标系统。Abstract:Climate change is one of the threats to human development. Facing the significant increase of extreme rainfall and the continuous expansion of cities, the vulnerability of traditional urban drainage system is becoming increasingly prominent. With the strategic background of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, it is a scientific problem for planning, design, construction and operation of drainage system on how to systematically build a future oriented sustainable drainage system to improve the reliability and resilience of the drainage system under complex external disturbance factors. In view of the systematic shortcomings of the traditional drainage system, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the key elements in the planning, design and construction of the drainage system, such as water-energy nexus, resilience design, eco-hydrology, and biodiversity. At the same time, this paper analyzes the environmental impact of some current measures, such as the implementation of high discharge standards, extreme high standard denitrification and sewage chlorine disinfection. On this basis, the sustainable drainage system evaluation index system including six first?level indicators and 48 secondary indicators is constructed.更新日期/Last Update: 2022-08-17中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有资料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,本网会当即进行更正或删除有关内容论文颁发投稿邮箱:cnwater@vip.163.comCopyRight (C)2016 中国给水排水杂志社官方网 版权所有 津ICP备20004590号[1]刘智晓.碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):1-15. LIUZhi-xiao.Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality[J].China Water Wastewater,2022,38(16):1-15.点击复制碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统构建和评估指标系统中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第38卷期数:2022年第16期页码:1-15栏目:出书日期:2022-08-17Tileyu����.txttle:Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality作者:刘智晓(北京初创生态环保团体股分有限公司,北京100044)Author(s):LIU Zhi-xiao(Beijing Capital Eco-Pro Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China)要害词:城镇排水系统;水-能关系;管网在线存储;韧性;碳中和;生态水文;峰值流量;及时节制;厂-网-河一体化Keywords:urban drainage system;water-energy nexus;in-sewer storage;resilience;carbon neutrality;eco-hydrology;peak flow;real?time control (RTC);plant-net-river integration drainage systems摘要:天气转变是人类成长面对的要挟之一,面临极端降雨显著增添和城市的不竭扩大,传统城镇排水系统的懦弱性日趋凸显, 碳中和、碳达峰 计谋布景下若何系统构建面向将来的可延续排水系统,晋升面临复杂外部扰动身分下排水系统的靠得住性与韧性,是将来相当长期间排水系统计划设计、建造与运行环节都要思虑和面临的科学问题。针对传统排水系统的系统性缺欠,就排水系统计划设计建造进程中要害要素 水-能 关系、韧性设计、生态水文和生物多样性等方面提出了建议,同时就今朝实行高排放尺度、极限脱氮和污水氯消毒给情况带来的影响进行了阐发,在此根本上构建了包罗6项一级指标、48项二级指标的可延续排水系统评估指标系统。Abstract:Climate change is one of the threats to human development. Facing the significant increase of extreme rainfall and the continuous expansion of cities, the vulnerability of traditional urban drainage system is becoming increasingly prominent. With the strategic background of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, it is a scientific problem for planning, design, construction and operation of drainage system on how to systematically build a future oriented sustainable drainage system to improve the reliability and resilience of the drainage system under complex external disturbance factors. In view of the systematic shortcomings of the traditional drainage system, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the key elements in the planning, design and construction of the drainage system, such as water-energy nexus, resilience design, eco-hydrology, and biodiversity. At the same time, this paper analyzes the environmental impact of some current measures, such as the implementation of high discharge standards, extreme high standard denitrification and sewage chlorine disinfection. On this basis, the sustainable drainage system evaluation index system including six first?level indicators and 48 secondary indicators is constructed.更新日期/Last Update:2022-08-17

上一篇:leyu乐鱼-国际水协第18届可持续污泥技术与管理会议 报名注册:https://iwa 下一篇:leyu乐鱼-报告题目:《污水“厂网一体化”的厦门水环境治理模式》 报告人:厦门市政环科公司总经理蔡万强