
您的位置:首页>leyu乐鱼新闻>行业新闻> leyu乐鱼-我们是谁——湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业 路德环境科技股份有限公司,成立于2006年,注册资本10071.4157万元,于2020年9月22日在上交所科创板上市,股票简称“路德环境






leyu乐鱼-我们是谁——湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业 路德环境科技股份有限公司,成立于2006年,注册资本10071.4157万元,于2020年9月22日在上交所科创板上市,股票简称“路德环境

发布时间:2024-05-10 来源:leyu乐鱼

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文我们是谁——湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业 路德情况科技股分有限公司,成立在2006年,注册本钱10071.4157万元,在2020年9月22日在上交所科创板上市,股票简称“路德情况放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2024-05-04来历:我们是谁——湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业 阅读次数:90焦点提醒:我们是谁——湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业 路德情况科技股分有限公司,成立在2006年,注册本钱10071.4157万元,在2020年9月22日在上交所科创板上市,股票简称“路德情况”,证券代码:688156。 Road Environment Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2006. It was listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of S中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)我们是谁 湖北省专业化的科创型环保上市企业

路德情况科技股分有限公司,成立在2006年,注册本钱10071.4157万元,在2020年9月22日在上交所科创板上市,股票简称 路德情况 ,证券代码:688156。

Road Environment Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2006. It was listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange on September 22, 2020. The stock abbreviation is Road Environment and the stock code is 688156.


Road Environment is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and industrial application of advanced environmental protection technology, focusing on water environment management and solid waste reduction, harmlessness, stabilization and resource utilization. After years of development, Road Environment becomes the professional solution provider in the fields of engineering mud, municipal sludge, industrial slag, and industrial sewage.

我们能做甚么 打造怪异固废处置与资本再生的轮回经济型财产


The company has a sound R D system for technological innovation, with first-class qualification for professional contracting of environmental engineering, Hubei Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, Hubei Provincial Engineering Research Center and other R D innovation platforms. It has successively won 2 National Torch Program, 4 National Key New Products, 4 Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards, 10 Science and Technology Achievements of Hubei Province, 150 National Patents (including 21 Invention Patents) and many other honorary awards.

一路创行,一路成长。公司践行 绿水青山就是金山银山 和 山川林田湖是一个生命配合体 的生态文明思惟,投入绿色环保事业。截止今朝,累计运营了三十余个河湖淤泥和工程泥浆固化处置中间,在浙江、湖北、江苏、广东等地共处置河湖淤泥、工程泥浆近3,000万立方,并对处置后的泥饼进行资本化操纵,制备成工程回填土、绿化莳植泥土、新型节能墙材等,有用解决泥饼前途,实现固体烧毁物 零排放 。

Create all the way and grow all the way. The company practices the ecological civilization thoughts of Clear waters and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver. and Landscapes, forests, fields and lakes are a community of life , and devotes itself to the cause of green environmental protection. Up to now, more than 30 river and lake sludge and engineering mud solidification treatment centers have been operated, and nearly 30 million cubic meters of river and lake sludge and engineering mud have been treated in Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places. And the treated mud cakes have been utilized to prepare engineering backfill, green planting soil, new energy-saving wall materials, etc., effectively solve the way out of mud cakes and realizing zero discharge of solid waste.


In the field of industrial lees, the company has built a distiller's lees resource utilization plant on bank of Chishui River to realize the comprehensive disposal and resource utilization of organic lees. The annual processing capacity of distiller's lees is more than 400,000 tons. The product Peptidetech yeast culture has both nutritional and functional properties, which can effectively relieve digestive dysfunction caused by various stresses, improve immunity, and promote intestinal microecological balance,thus tofundamentally solve the environmental pollution and breeding safety problems caused by the waste of brewing lees, and create a liquor circular economy industrial chain.


公司与处所当局部属平台公司和三峡团体、中国建筑、中国铁建等连结持久合作,获得了杰出的情况、社会和经济效益。将来,路德情况将借助本钱市场,笃定初心,克意朝上进步,延续晋升专业能力,贯彻 共抓长江年夜庇护、鞭策高质量成长 ,助力无废城市扶植,助力情况质量改良,助力轮回经济实现,助力绿色低碳成长,首创水情况和固体烧毁物治理加倍夸姣的明天。

The company has maintained long-term cooperation with Three Gorges Group, China State Construction, China Railway Construction, Moutai Group, New Hope Group, etcleyu����.txt., and has achieved great environmental, social and economic benefits. In the future, with the help of the capital market, Road Environment will stay true to its original aspirations, forge ahead, continue to improve its professional capabilities, and implement to protect the Yangtze River together and promote high-quality development to help build a waste-free city, improve environmental quality, and assist realizing circular economy. Promote green and low-carbon development and create a better tomorrow for water environment and solid waste management.

上一篇:leyu乐鱼-污泥变形记 海口市再生资源综合利用基地,生产线一片繁忙 下半年还将启动基地二期建设,计划于2025年底建成投用。建成后,该基地每年处理固体废物量将达到140万吨。 下一篇:leyu乐鱼-大连通报两起环境违法典型案例 大观新闻 2024